Redx Page 6
The Director looked up smiling at him. Waving him to a chair. “I feel great. I was just writing up my notes on the experience. That med bed is a miracle of science. I haven’t felt this good in years.” He leaned forward as RedX took his seat. “We need a number of those to help our people.”
RedX nodded. “I’ve already ordered another one to come down from our ship. It will be here with the next rotation.”
The Director clapped his hands together. “Thank you, it is much needed here.”
RedX agreed. “By my estimates you will need 12 on hand to cope with the population here and at times, that might not be enough.”
“I intend to make my report as quickly as possible on this.”
“There is something else,” RedX told him. The Director leaned forward towards him putting his arms on his desk. “I have someone in the med bed now. A female. She is not from this Sector but came here to work. She came in with a facial injury, happened last night but that wasn’t the first time her cheek bone had been broken. Had it not been damaged before, it would have likely not broken this time. Her body scan indicates that she was physically abused as a child. Beaten. Many times over. Broken bones, lacerations and damaged muscle tissue, extensive where the bruising had taken place. And not just once. Some injuries had mended then broken again and the treatment was very poor if at all. She would have soon been in kidney failure had we not found it. How common is this?”
By his body language the Director was shocked. That was good to know. “We do not condone hurting children on our world. That is not to say it doesn’t happen, it does. We have the same problems other worlds have but if we find it, we deal with it swiftly. What Sector is she from?”
“It is not my story to tell. She may not wish to discuss it.”
The Director looked thoughtful. “I understand. She probably ran away. Won’t want them finding her. It’s a lot of fear to carry.”
“I will protect her…….” Slipped passed his lips.
The Director looked at him thoughtfully. “That’s good but what happens when you leave?”
RedX smiled. “A lot can happen before then. We will investigate this matter and remove any threat.”
“Our security wont like you taking matters into your own hands.”
“We have no intension of upsetting your security, but they are doing a piss poor job.”
The Director laughed. “You’ll get no argument from me.”
“Good. I have my report on your home visits.” RedX lifted his data pad and passed it over. The Director took it. “You will see I have indicated the action that is required. I was able to give several injections that should start the healing process in some. Others will need to be brought in for the med bed.”
RedX waited while the Director read his report. It would take him far longer than a Cyborg. He checked a few things, then went back to the report. “I concur with your assessments. When can I start bringing people in?”
“I have provided a timetable, but it will be flexible once the med beds start doing its own assessment of each patient. Then, as it fixes some conditions others might flare up. It happens once the current balance is disrupted, so there is no definitive schedule.”
The Director handed back the data pad. “We will go with that. Make arrangements to start bringing people in.” The Director frowned. “We have a lot of urgent cases here too. They will have to be in order of emergency.”
“I have already compiled a list.” He changed the data on his data pad to show the completed list and handed it back.
He watched as the Director went through the list and checked on several others. He eventually looked up. “That is a lot of work.” RedX gave him a sharp nod. “Two beds won’t be enough.”
RedX stood. “No it won’t. You need to speak with your leaders.” The Director stood too and handed the pad back.
“I will. Thank you. You will save many lives with this.”
RedX took the pad. “I will continue to monitor the patients for as long as I am here.”
He turned to leave. “The female,” the Director called out to him. “It is clear that she is important to you. You might want to keep that to yourself. If things go wrong here, it could be used against you. Politics is not a kind place.” RedX read the sincerity in his voice. He was warning him. RedX turned his face back towards him and gave him a nod once more before walking out.
His optics gave him the answer to that statement. They’d better not try. The Commander would be pissed if he set off a riot.
Awareness and reality came back. A cool breeze floated around her. Not cold, just enough to feel fresh. Jamie blinked, the light causing her to open her eyes slowly. She gave up for a moment, allowing her body to catch up and closed her eyes again. Something smelled nice nearby. No not something, but someone. A unique blend she couldn’t place for a moment. Then she could. The medic. He’d had that scent around him when he’d treated her. It had been stronger at times too, she recalled.
She’d never noticed that men had a particular scent. Most smelt of the smoke they took in or sweat or both. Often alcohol if they were drinkers. Rarely did they smell…….. nice.
She blinked again wondering if he was in the room or if it was residue from him being there before she’d woken. A shadow cast across her and the increase of the scent told her he was here. Jamie smiled glad to see he hadn’t left her. “You smell nice,” slipped passed her lips and to her embarrassment she realised she’d spoken aloud.
“Do you need a hand to get up?” He voice was as she remembered it. Warm and inviting.
“It would help,” she told him. His hand curled gently around her bicep and supported her to sit up right. “Thanks.” She moved to the edge of the bed and swung her legs over glad to see she had a medical wrap on. “How’d I do?”
RedX’s optic told him many things. Mainly how glad he was to see the female awake. It was not logical but the read out was there anyway. She showed no sign of pain. He’d checked the read out coming into the room once he’d been alerted that she would be awake soon. He’d wanted to be here for her when she did. Aware the med bed could be disorientating on waking.
“I have the read out for you to look at and take with you but, all the injuries that exited are now good as new as they should be. Some injuries that had been fused by your body in healing had to be rebroken and repaired correctly. Some tissue damage removed and replaced. The bone structure in your cheek had to be removed and completely replaced on that side. The full list is here.” He handed it to her.
She took the read out a little in shock. “You replaced part of my face?” Her hand shook a little as she touched the area and found it felt the same as before. She glanced up at him. So tall compared to her. Her voice shook. “It….. did all this?”
RedX gave her a nod and watched closely to see the emotions that crossed her face. The scent of tears hit the air. The female was likely to cry. “You will be in no more pain. You are well now.”
The female nodded, fighting her emotions. Then she reached out and grabbed his medic coat and pulled him towards her, pulling him down to her level, wrapping her arms around him and the tears fell. Full on emotional breakdown. Heaving sods as she clung to him. Rivers of tears soaking his coat. Wrapping an arm around her, he told her what she needed to hear over and over again. “There will be no more pain. You are safe now.”
She wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that. Time passed and she couldn’t seem to get her tears under control. She’d think she’d got it all out and something else would trigger a memory and the tears would flow again. Everything that she’d endured, that she could remember came to her one after the other. The wall she’d so carefully erected around all that pain was gone, she was raw and vulnerable with a male once more and for the first time in her life, she believed he wouldn’t harm her. When he told her she was safe, she believed him. Clinging to the strength of the man holding her.
He’d given her the chance of a fresh start. A n
ew future. For once she could truly look forward. He had saved her in more ways than one. The reality of that brought more tears and still he held her. Her sense of relief felt like a weight off her shoulders. She felt freer. Lighter. The tears subsided. Jamie rubbed at her face knowing she looked a mess. “Don’t,” he told her quietly. Jami looked up into the face of the male holding her. “You have never looked more beautiful.”
Jamie blinked and frowned. That couldn’t be true. She’d be red and puckered, her eyes blood shot and her mouth whimpering. Her face was streaked with tears and emotion. Not a good look on anyone. She swallowed and took in several deep calming breaths. Wiped at her face properly this time and pulled back. “Thank you, I’d been holding all that in for a very long time.” He walked over and poured her some water then handed it to her. She drank deeply. “Thanks.”
“You will need a few hours to process all this but, there shouldn’t be any more problems.”
The female nodded and made to get down putting both feet on the floor. “I’m…. sorry about blubbering all over you.”
RedX smiled gently at the female. She had felt so right in his arms that his system told him that’s where he wanted to be. Only the fact that she was embarrassed about her outburst, did it hold him back. He could scent her emotions. There was a lot going on in that female’s mind. “It was an honour that you felt able to do so.”
He saw the moment her barrios went back up. She stiffened, her back ram rod straight. “Don’t do me any favours.”
He knew this for what it was. She was in flight. He’d same something to warn or worry her. Old habits and feelings had come back to influence her decision making. Change wasn’t easy or instant in those with history. It would take time. Time, his optic told him, he had.
“I didn’t. I did my job female. Anything else, would be because I chose to.”
That sound more like a promise than factual. Jamie swallowed again suddenly her mouth dry once more. She didn’t know how to answer that, her bravado suddenly leaving her. She always had a comeback. But not today. Today she felt …… embarrassed once more. He didn’t deserve her throwing that at him.
“I ….. apologise. Its been a long couple of days.”
RedX accepted her apology. “Rest, you’ve been in a healing sleep for some time. Some natural sleep might do you good too. There is a change of clothes waiting for you.” RedX turned to leave. Every fibre of his being telling him he should stay. Emotions he should not be having were displayed across his optic. His diagnostic showing results that were not logical. He needed time to process this. If he were faulty his mission was compromised. “Should you have any problems you will find me here.” He took a moment to read her, she was calmer now. Under control. He gave her a nod and turned walking away. Had he not done so then, he had a feeling he would have wanted to stay and help her with that clothing.
RedX stopped in the corridor. That was an illogical thought. He’d not requested data on his thoughts and the information had still come to him. Was his emotional chip faulty? He checked its functionality. No, it was still shut off. His emotions and feelings were bleeding through heavily now. His sensors told him exactly how much. He was also feeling elements of pain even though his pain receptors were off too. Both were not logical reactions, but the data was there. There was no denying it.
He walked on. The female affected him. There was no other logical answer. Was she a possible mate?
Jamie made her way out of the medical facility and headed home. The medic had been right, she could do with some sleep. With so much going on in her head it had overwhelmed her. Head down she walked with determination to get there as quickly as possible. She didn’t want to talk to anyone, not yet. She was off balance. The outpouring of emotion back there had shocked and surprised her and once she’d started, she couldn’t stop. She’d been out of control. There was no other word for it. Somehow he’d made that happen. Made her feel safe enough to let go. That was dangerous and she knew better. Jamie clenched her hands and shoved them into her jacket pockets, completely registering the movement came with no pain. Her fingers didn’t ache. He’d done that too. Tears threatened at the thought of it. Jamie bit her lip. This wouldn’t do. She needed to get her emotions under control.
One hint of weakness and the vultures would be out to play. She ran the last couple of blocks and made it to her doorway. Placing her hand on the keypad it gave her access, the computer welcoming her home. Jamie looked around. It was stark and bare. No welcome committee, no pets. She’d not brought anything with her and found no pleasure in buying things to make it homely. So she hadn’t. She’d saved every penny and it had allowed her to be able to invest in Kurts place. What more did she need? She only needed a bed and somewhere to shower.
Pulling off her jacket and shoes, she made her way to the kitchen, making some green tea she took it to the bedroom with her. Sipping it, she put on the vid screen and listened to recent events she might have missed. The usual stuff. Police, politics, security. She hadn’t missed a thing. Putting the cup down she felt her eyes grow heavy, rolling to one side she pulled the cover over her. Sleep sounded perfect right now.
Since the female had left, the day had dragged. Repeatedly, he checked his time logs. The action was illogical, but he did it anyway. Why, he did not know. An image of her as he’d first seen her and after, when she’d got out the med bed surfaced. Both looked similar but there were distinct difference’s in her appearance once the med bed had done its job. Her skin was healthier, the dark smudges around her eyes were gone, her long red hair was more vibrant, lush, her eyes clearer and pain free, her countenance lighter and straighter. The reality of the changes highlighting how much pain she’d been carrying. RedX anger rose, never far from the surface where she was concerned. Red showed across the board on his sensors.
He made a mental note to deal with the man who had caused her so much harm, requesting information from his ship in space to search the world archives to find him. He had her DNA print. It was enough to track her history. Her name was false, he knew that without checking it. The automatic response to his enquiry proved him right. Her name went no further than this community. It was logical that she had a new name in each place she’d been before this.
She was running and hiding. That meant the treat wasn’t over for her. She feared someone was coming. RedX clasped his fists. He wouldn’t allow that to happen. He knew exactly where to find her and he would be passing that way soon.
Greeting the next patient, he scanned their records across his optic and did an update with his own scanner. A youth. 13 Years old. Name Brent Sarino. The break was mending slowly but it was mending. It would take minutes in the med bed to fix it and he recorded a time for the boy to come back telling him climbing walls was not a good idea. The youth shrugged. “Do you not have something better to do?” RedX asked liking the youth.
“School sucks.”
RedX took a seat looking down on the boy who sat on the medical bed. “Don’t you have to go?”
He shrugged. “Suppose but no one’s gonna miss me.”
“And why is that?”
“You should still be in school.”
“Don’t like it.”
“Why?” He wasn’t much of a talker RedX understood that.
“They don’t like me.” The boy whispered clearly upset and disillusioned. RedX could scent it in the air.
“Who looks after you?”
The boy sat up defiantly. “I look after myself.”
“Where to you sleep?”
“I have a good place.”
RedX checked the boy’s records as they flowed across his optic keeping up the conversation. It told him very little other than the child was an orphan. He was supposed to be in a community home with 56 other children, but he was often a no show. Showing up for food now and then. “You don’t like the home either do you?” The youth shrugged again. “This place of yo
urs, it safe?”
He nodded. “Safe enough.”
“You know Cyborgs don’t have parents either.” RedX told him.
The boy looked up at him. “Really?”
RedX nodded. “We’re birthed at around 18 human years and we can live for decades longer than humans. We are given a job we are good at and trained hard to be the best we can be.”
“And you got to be a doctor.” The boy told him eagerly.
“A medic and a warrior.” RedX clarified for him. “I’m hungry, dinner time. You coming?”
The boy looked up in surprise. “I can come with you?”
“Sure. And you can tell me about all those other young out there. Deal?”
“Deal.” The boy jumped down.
RedX didn’t need a scanner to tell him the boy was under nourished. Or that his skin colour was off and dehydrated. His own sensors could pick that up. They walked into the corridor and the boy chatted away. RedX guessed he’s learnt early on to make connections with people to survive. The running commentary talked about the people he knew, where the best places were for eating. Where he could go for a shower and clean clothes. The people he met on the street. Some good, some not so good. The boy was engaging and entertaining. Logically another trait he’d likely picked up. If people liked you, they were more likely to help you.
RedX listened and let him talk. Picking up bits of information on those places. Some were of interest to him. The mention of other kids being in various places, people living on the streets of all ages. It wasn’t uncommon to find on any world. RedX would ask to clarify this or that and the boy would carry on.