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Redx Page 4

  “You know we need security. We’re being pushed, I can feel it.”

  Kurt nodded looking around the bar. Opening time wasn’t for another couple of hours but Jamie wanted this conversation before they were forced to have it.

  “You’re not wrong. Sooner or later it’s going to blow. We need to be prepared for that. Call all the staff in early. It’s time we had a chat about keeping an eye on the customers and how we’re going to react to it.”

  Jamie picked up her data pad and put out the call. “I’ve told them to all come in an hour early. What are you thinking?”

  “Something old school. Bulldog.”

  She’d never heard of it and gave a curious smile. “What’s that?”

  “It’s an Old Earth child’s game, my great grandparents once played as kids. They tried to teach us too. Basically, it’s a game of avoidance but when someone shouts Bulldog the whole team comes running. We can adapt that. If it’s got to the point of no return, you or I give the order, anyone not dealing with money comes running to the rallying cry and we put down whatever it is by force of numbers.”

  She liked it. “Ok. I like it,” she looked around at the gaming tables, stage and bar. “We’ll need to sort out who comes from where.”

  “The Croupiers stay put. They’re handling cash. Those backstage can use this route to access this floor. Waiters and waitresses can dump their trays on the nearest table and head in any direction, their cash is secured on them.” She turned to the bar. “One stays behind the bar, the rest can come running too.”

  Kurt nodded. “Weapons?” he asked.

  Jamie sighed. If they were going to be hit, they’d have weapons no matter how well they were checked at the door. She nodded. “You and me, head barman, Pit boss. The rest are to take down if able to and subdue.”

  Kurt looked at her. “You think this is definitely going to happen.”

  Jamie nodded and worried her lip. It had been bothering her for the last few days. “Yeah and soon.”

  “Ok I’ll sort out the weapons, we’ll go over how and when to use them before we open.” Kurt told her.

  She didn’t like it but thought they were out of options. “I don’t think we have a choice but if it does or doesn’t, we’ll be ready. No firing unless life is threatened. Don’t want anyone getting trigger happy. Or give anyone any reason to shut us down.” She looked at him pointedly.

  Kurt squeezed her shoulder. “We won’t.”


  By the time the staff arrived for the new protocol, Kurt had retrieved his weapons and they were good to go. Her talk on the changes wasn’t taken as badly as she’d feared. The staff weren’t stupid. They could see the way things had been going of late. More than a few mentioned being worried by it and were relieved they were taking action. No one wanted to lose a good job that paid well. She could sympathise. She didn’t either.

  After several trial runs, they got it down. Everyone had taken their places and did their jobs like they had customers. They’d decided on two strategies. ‘Roundup’, for the odd man causing trouble. ‘Bulldog’ for the main event. Kurt and herself took up various positions and called both, verbally and over the vid screen system. Staff reacted sharply, closing in on either her or Kurt forming a tight circle linking arms. It would isolate any aggressor. And each time taking up point were the four with the weapons inside it.

  She was satisfied, it was as good as it was going to get without disrupting the entire place and allowing it to spill over causing damage or worse.

  The doors opened on time with the staff a little more confident. The usual crowd came in taking seats or standing. Both she and Kurt stood sentry as they did every night welcoming the first batch in. Talking to regulars, asking after the family. Their day, wishing them luck at the tables or pointing out the quiet area or the stage. Things settled down pretty quickly into the normal routine. Kurt or her on the door. The other one mingling. Looking for trouble and the night rolled on.

  Taking her usual spot in the middle of the room. Just before the final set on stage, she was thinking she’d misread it. Nothing had happened. They were watching several people, but nothing had kicked off.

  She’d been on edge all night. Then something caught her eye. Two of the one’s they were watching came together, a third lingering. The itch in the back of her neck told her this was it. They were about to make a move…

  Then number three started shouting at one of the gaming tables. Calling the guy next to him a thief. It started to get heated but not the danger she’d considered. Catching Kurt’s eye, she gave a nod to the two that really bothered her and gave the signal for ‘Roundup’ heading towards Mr Shouty. Her and two staff closed in on him and she pulled on him taking his focus from his neighbour. “Shut it.” She told him then scanned him. He was clean. Jamie leant in. “You’re making a scene. I suggest you take it outside. Now.” Her two staff moved in grabbing him and he thought twice about it. She didn’t miss the glance to the other two either. That was interesting….

  After several comments that indicated she was a bitch and the place shit, the staff escorted him out. They were now two less on the floor. Another stranger joined the first two, then a fourth. Jamie had seen enough. There was trouble brewing right there. Lifting her datapad she pressed for the message to be relayed as she shouted. “Bulldog,” and headed to the group of men her people following her lead. It was clear these men were on a mission. They looked ready to pop.

  This time, surprise was on her side. The four, not sure what was happening stood their ground. People were moved back until they were isolated. The circle facing outside to prevent anyone getting any more ideas. Jamie, Kurt, the head barman and Pit boss surrounding them.

  “You err,” she waved her hand from one to the other, “know each other? Only I ask because you spent most of the night in different parts of the premises and as soon as Mr Shouty started you converged to this point. Something going on?”

  They stared at her. And all at once they moved. The one nearest to her threw a punch, Jamie dodged, two others tried to get weapons out as the fourth kicked out at Kurt. Jamie twisted with her momentum and came back up with the full force of her own inertia and hit him hard across the face. Staggering back, it registered across his face this wasn’t going to be so easy. Jamie smiled and he rushed back at her. In her periphery she saw two stand down as laser guns were pulled by her people. Kurt was giving as good as he was getting. Jamie just missed a punch to the stomach and kicked out. Jumping her leg, he came back at her with another punch to the face. She moved and caught a glancing blow, the pain shocked through her as she ducked and pulled her weapon. Playtime was over. Kurt was still hammering on his guy and enjoying it far too much.

  Jamie waved her gun about and her opponent stilled. “Playtime is over. Kurt released his guy. “You done?” she asked him. Kurt shrugged.

  Jamie suppressed the smile that wanted to shine through, it hurt too much, now the adrenalin was wearing off. Her cheek hurt like a bitch. It was likely badly bruised if she was lucky, another cracked cheek bone if not. It wouldn’t be the first time….. “Scan them, check for weapons.” Two of her people came forward and scanned the four men. They had weapons, even with the check point at the entrance. She looked at Kurt. “Guess we need to up that entrance scan.” She told him dryly looking back at their guests. “Wanna tell us what you had planned here?” No one spoke.

  “Ok, I want names, verified ID no fakes. Then pack it up and get them outside ready for security.”

  Her people jostled them together and she gave them her passing shot.

  “Someone sent you. Be smart. The money’s not worth it. Don’t come back. It will get nasty.”

  Chapter Three

  RedX had spent several hours going over the medical records. He was concerned. Over the past ten years or so patients were dying but all the medical interventions were correct. He had no answer as to why. It didn’t look like negligence. The work had been good. It was a quandary. />
  Leaving the records behind he checked patient after patient on the ward, wanting to make sure nothing was untoward.

  By the time it was late for humans, he’d been at it for hours. The twilight hours between midnight and dawn made no difference to him. Cyborgs rarely slept and their time was put to better use. The decades old medical practices were hardly a surprise but it was clear the people cared. With only one supply ship making it to them, the latest intel they would have had been around this time, mainly pre- the colony ship leaving Old Earth. They’d been luckier than others. Some ships didn’t have a doctor in their crew, some nurses, maybe a medic. Most had to make do. If they were smart, those nurses or medics boned up before leaving. They were responsible for the entire colony and passing on their knowledge. It was a major responsibility. Here, they’d had two doctors and several nurses. It had been a good start and their training passed on successfully.

  It seemed illogical to Cyborgs that humans would take such a step without being fully trained or informed. But then again, like Cyborgs themselves, they didn’t have the luxury of making demands on the Corporations. If humans wanted to go, they had to conform. They were desperate for a new chance in life and did. Old Earth was dying. And that meant many things if you wanted a chance at a new colony.

  Giving your sperm, eggs, spinal fluid, blood and cells were all part of that process. Earth Corp then used that secretly to help create Cyborgs. And before that, they used prisoners in their care without their consent or recruits and soldiers. Many not realising what they were in for until it was too late. The Designers, mixed and blended DNA for generations. Got rid of what they didn’t want and kept the rest. Building a race of Cyborgs. Stronger, faster, bigger, far better hearing and eyesight and when that wasn’t enough, they added biometrics, cybernetics, computers and animal DNA to give make them better at everything.

  They had free reign to do what they wanted until the people found out. Then it all came crashing down as demands outstripped resources and Earth Corp went into free fall and made desperate decisions that cost lives. No one liked that. Especially investors who jumped ship as soon as possible only adding to Earth Corps problems. The public back lash had been total. Demands for Cyborgs to have rights and freedoms were very public. Indignation, outrage playing god were emotions and terms used and eventually, Earth Corp bowed to public opinion to save themselves. Or they did, partly.

  They freed the one’s the public could see. The others, were not so visible and Earth Corp made those go away in various ways. Sold, bartered, contracted. No one knew for sure how many of them there were. They were still looking and would never stop.

  Time was, after all on their side. No one knew exactly how long they would live. The nano’s did everything to keep them in optimum condition. Their oldest Cyborgs were bi-centennial and still going strong. If they ever stopped……. Then things could be different. It was a debate that was on going. Cyborgs had the choice to keep renewing their nano’s or not. But once exhausted, it was likely they would age like humans. Did he want that? Instantly the answer flashed across his optic. RedX didn’t have enough data to go on to make that decision.

  His data told him he wasn’t ready to stop functioning. He had many things still to be achieved.

  All this information flowed across his optic and in his data display while he worked through the data on each patient he saw. None of it stopped him working or focusing on what he needed to do. The display was always there, apart of who is was.

  Making his recommendations on the last patient, he put the datapad down and walked out towards the Medical Intake Bay. It was this worlds A & E. Why humans used different names for the same thing seemed illogical to him and not new. In Cyborg experience, choice gave humans the option of doing things differently and hoping or wishing for something more personal or better. And the change of name was used to reflect that.

  Did it make that much difference? The question a logical response to the debate that flowed naturally in reaction to that question. Likely not in the work that was carried out but perhaps on an emotional level that he could not determine. And there was the logical answer. Emotion. Humans thrived on it. Lived their lives determined by it. Or most did. There were always the broken humans who were emotionless. No empathic abilities, no conscience, cruel and brutal. Those, were more dangerous than Cyborgs in many ways. Cyborg’s had harmed on orders. Once those orders were removed, they harmed no one and protected the population. Those broken humans, didn’t change their ways for anyone.

  Pushing through the doors, he entered the busy reception. Humans were standing or sitting waiting to be seen, while staff were running around. He walked to the desk. “I’ve been tasked with helping here. I am RedX. Where do you need me?”

  The female quickly got over her surprise at seeing him, checked her information and directed him through another set of doors, telling him bays 7 – 12 were his. RedX gave a nod and headed in the direction he’d been shown. As he came through the doors another female waved him over showing him his work area, going over the procedures and processes. RedX thanked her and started at 7. It was busy. Inside the cubical a mother and child sat on the bed. RedX stopped at the curtain and moved slowly. Then leaving a bit of distance, he crouched down in front of them. He was now the same height as the mother.

  “Hello, I’m RedX. I’m here to help. What’s the problem?”


  She’d been waiting for what seemed forever. The pain med they’d given her barely covered it and that had been a couple of hours ago. How much longer? Her curtain stood slightly aside as she watched people coming and going. Patience wasn’t her best virtue! she screamed impatiently in her mind.

  Her eye catching movement coming her way. Holy Moley! The hulk striding towards her was intense and drop dead gorgeous. Was he for real? She'd asked for a doctor not a rock star! Her mouth dropped open. She’d be close to drooling all over him.

  Were doctors built like that? She couldn’t remember ever seeing one quite like this. Her brain fogged by the spike of lust hitting her, her pain seemed to diminish. As her entire focus settled on him. Not that she'd ever seen and look at the size of those hands........ this couldn't be right. Could it?

  But he was coming her way. Jamie sat up taking her fill. Those hands offered many things and boy o boy, did she need healing in sooo many places....... She shook her head to get rid of the stupid, and instantly regretted it. She moaned. Shit that hurt!

  “Shaking your head is unwise with a facial injury.”

  Jamie blinked through the pain up at the voice. He was even better up close. “Yeah, good advice.”

  The female was injured. Her voice and scent was full of it along with a touch of desire on seeing him. RedX’s protective instincts flew to the surface and he held them back. It would only scare her. He could see the discolouration starting to show along with the swelling on her face. She’d had a significant impact on her cheek bone. Using one of his own injectors, he set it for pain relief and showed her.

  “It will take the pain away. Do you allow me to inject you?”

  She waved him towards her. “God yeah. Do it.”

  RedX moved slowly to her. Her scent reached his nose with delicious notes of her desire, then pain and now, filled the air with her relief. There was no fear. The fact that she desired him was a normal response for most human females. Cyborgs were after all made to attract them. He placed the injector on her neck and engaged the mechanism. “Within moments you should feel the relief.” He stepped back not wanting to crowd her. He gave it time to register. The moment she sighed he knew the medication had kicked in. “Hello, I’m RedX, I am assigned to treat you. Are you in agreement?”

  Jamie moved her head and neck, only then realising how much pain she’d actually been in before the injector. It was such a relief to be free of it. “O yeah I’m in agreement.”

  The female’s voice was soft and easy. It went straight to his cock. Had anything sounded so good? Instantly his data
provided him with the answer. No.

  “I will need to scan you.”

  “Go ahead.”

  RedX took out his scanner and swept it from head to toe, then across her shoulders and both arms. The results came up. He watched all the data cross his optic and hissed. Anger soared through him. The female leaned away as her scent changed. He scared her with the sound.

  “I apologise, I did not mean to scare you. Your scan tells me many things.” He looked at her catching her eyes. She was weary and …… now a little scared for another reason. RedX pulled back on what his system was telling him and grabbed a chair from the corner bringing it her, he sat down. “My equipment is far more advanced than what you are used to here. It can tell injuries that go back as far as you were born.” She now looked very uncomfortable. He took it slow. “I don’t need to tell you want I’ve found historically. You already know,” he spoke quietly for her ears only.

  The female worried her lip, frowning at the corners of her eyes. She gave a little nod. “The fracture you had before on your cheek has been reopened. Some bone is loose and will need replacing. In my opinion, you need a new skull graft to stop this happening again.”

  He could barely contain himself. All his sensors were off the charts. It was illogical. His emotions were off, but they were there bleeding through. He caught and held on to them.

  Jamie looked around nervously. She didn’t need anyone knowing her business. The doc seemed on board with that and she was grateful. A new skull graft? Was that a thing?